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SLOW'Drink Contest: What is this?


The most "Liked" 8 recipes on Facebook will compete in one location.

Why are we competing?!

Well let us tell you....

The winner of the localized beverages are dubbed the "Jyväskylä ((Heart))Beat Beverage" of the region. 

Why ((Heart))Beat? For the SLOW'Drink team...

The (brackets) surrounding the heart represent 2 heart beats…

The 1st representing the health of individuals' hearts…
The 2nd representing the health of local communities' hearts… local ingredients, local fruits and vegetables, local people, local businesses along with localized customs.

The 'Beat' is the action. The drink portrays the local effort to slow down and appreciate what your local environment has to offer…
to SLOW'Drink.

Week of SLOW'Drinking


1 drink... 1 bar... 1 night each

1 drink = a bar's local recipe

1 bar = there will be one bar each night that will have this special local recipe

1 night each = the bar offering the local recipe changing daily

Day 1: Start Slow....


1. Take a look at your local ingredients list

2. Buy your local ingredients from either your local grocer, or local farmers market

3. If you have no idea how to make a well-balanced beverage... Go to our BEVERAGE TIPS

4. Gather some friends, mix, taste, have fun.

5. When you have perfected your own local drink recipe, upload your results to our Facebook page

6. Get the community to vote (like) your recipe!

The week rules..


1. Use only local ingredients

2. Slowly enjoying your beverage

3. Share with SLOW'Drink your magical recipe 

Remember, at the end of the week +1 day, the top  recipes will have the chance to compete in the SLOW'Drink Contest!!



SLOW'Drinks organizes and hosts a week + 1 day of events, engaging the local community of Jyväskylä. Think local, slow drink local... 

Local dates for the event is still being decided... STAY TUNED!

Our work

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